Process Automation for Simpli






For Simpli, a Swiss company known for its dynamic approach in product import and distribution, I undertook a significant project to transform their operational workflow. Initially, Simpli's daily routine involved a cumbersome and time-consuming process of manually handling Excel files from their warehouse software (weclapp) for product listings on various platforms like Galaxus and Manor. My objective was to automate these labor-intensive tasks, thereby elevating Simpli's efficiency and operational accuracy.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend Development: Leveraging React, I developed a user-friendly interface, streamlining interactions with the automated system for Simpli’s team.
  • Backend Development: At the core of the automation lay a Node.js and Express server. The pivotal function was executed by the cron module from "node-cron", facilitating scheduled data processing and uploads.

Project Insights

The turning point in Simpli’s operational efficiency was marked by a single line of code: cron.schedule("1 * * * *", galaxusCronJob);. This automation process replaced the tedious manual effort of preparing and uploading Excel files for each retail platform. It streamlined the data extraction from Simpli's warehouse software, tailored it to the format required by each platform like Galaxus, and executed timely uploads via FTP.

Furthermore, the automation extended to order processing. Previously, Simpli’s staff manually input standardized customer order details from emails into their system. I introduced a web application that simplified this process: staff could now copy-paste email contents, which the server processed and validated. With just one click, the confirmed data was sent to the warehouse software, automating the generation of order and delivery notes.

As we continue to refine our processes, we are exploring AI integration for advanced tasks such as automated PDF reading, carefully balancing efficiency with the secure handling of sensitive data. This project not only saved valuable time for Simpli but also highlighted the transformative power of coding in enhancing business operations.